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Clinical Hypnosis to Assist Stroke Victims

Updated: May 9, 2024

How Clinical Hypnosis Can Help with Recovering from a Stroke

The leading cause of a stroke is a small blockage in the supply of blood to the brain, often due to a clot or ruptured vessel. They can often happen without any warning and so are often overlooked. An individual might feel fine one moment and then suddenly suffer from a stroke. Strokes are a major cause of disability in adults, often leading to anxiety, depression, and changes in personality.

Strokes usually result in some difficulty with speech, vision, and paralysis. However, Clinical Hypnosis is often used to help people recover from these post-stroke symptoms, by helping with the physical, mental, and emotional challenges they face by teaching them how to move past their limitations.

Hypnosis has the ability to help you take control over your physical functions, improve your communication skills, and increase your ability to learn. Hypnosis also helps individuals who have had strokes by teaching them how to cope with their disabilities while reducing the anxiety and depression that they may experience from their condition.

Clinical Hypnosis for Stroke Rehabilitation

Strokes are among the most common neurological disorders that affect people. Stroke rehabilitation is the process of restoring movement and function to parts of the body that may have been lost or impaired due to a stroke (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). Regardless of its cause, each stroke victim needs specialized care in order to re-learn physical abilities.

In addition to recuperating from the physical effects of a stroke, the stroke sufferer will also work to rehabilitate their cognitive and psychosocial functions. This includes relearning how to use their muscles, speaking and communicating effectively, and relearning social skills.

Stroke rehabilitation with Clinical Hypnosis is one of the most effective methods because it combines both physical therapy and psychotherapy. It helps create neural pathways in the brain so victims can relearn how to use their bodies again.

How is Clinical Hypnosis Used in Stroke Rehabilitation?

Hypnosis is used in various ways for post-stroke rehabilitation. It can be used to reduce pain and muscle tension, encourage relaxation, or provide distraction during painful procedures like mobilizing joints or manipulating limbs. Hypnosis may also be used to decrease anxiety before surgery or invasive diagnostic procedures like MRI scans.

With hypnosis, patients are able to achieve much better results than they would without it because hypnosis helps them relax and focus on their recovery. Most importantly, patients usually feel more at ease during treatment sessions which increases the likelihood of them staying on track with their treatment plan.

Hypnosis has been recommended for decades by doctors to help patients with various health problems. Stroke rehabilitation is just one of the many medical fields that Clinical Hypnosis has been used. A study by Dr. Nathan Fehling, which was published in the Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease, found that hypnosis can help people who have had a stroke get better faster than those who were not using hypnosis. The study also found that it could make people feel less pain during their rehabilitation process.

Clinical Hypnosis is a great tool for not just pain relief but also for improving movement and giving the mind full control. The subconscious mind responds well to hypnosis because it can bypass a lot of the natural defense mechanisms that would otherwise prevent a person from moving or feeling better.

What’s the next step for Stroke Rehabilitation?

Clinical Hypnosis may be a great addition to your treatment plan. As a Certified Hypnotist, I specialize in helping people with these types of issues, as well as many other conditions.

Call us anytime at 925-215-4017 for a Free Phone Consultation.

Joseph R. Giove Clinical Hypnosis  |  San Francisco Bay Area

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