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Good Night Insomnia
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Get De-Hypnotized to Sleep
You cannot be hypnotized to sleep.
In order to say good night to insomnia and sleep deeply and naturally every night, you must be de-hypnotized.
Read on to discover what trance needs to be broken for you to enjoy natural sleep again.
* All testimonials are unsolicited and solely the experiences of those offering their testimony; individual results vary, depending on many factors.
What is Insomnia
Insomnia is inadequate or poor quality sleep because of one or more of the following:
difficulty falling asleep
waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep
waking up too early in the morning
non-refreshing sleep
Some estimates are that about 12% of the population experiences some form of insomnia, but my experience is that it is much higher, perhaps double or more this number.
Even a couple nights of sleeplessness can be a sign of unhealthy stress accumulation or anxiety, which should be dealt with immediately and naturally. If not, this temporary condition of sleeplessness can grow by taking sleeping medications, which are highly habit forming, and can actually create insomnia as a side effect. Actually, this is better viewed as a direct effect of sleeping pill use, not a side effect. Fortunately there is something you can do about it.
You must become de-hypnotized.
Insomnia can be the result of worry, fears, anxiety and other poor or disruptive MindBody activities. It can be caused by emotionally traumatic experiences (acute or chronic), excessive travel and time zone changes, allergies, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, other substances, improper diet and poor sleeping "hygiene."
When you get drowsy after a long day, your body and brain begin a natural process of going from an active nervous system and beta brain wave activity into a relaxed nervous system and preponderantly alpha brain wave activity.
Alpha state is where everything is dreamy, where visualizations are clear and borders the phase signaling your MindBody that you're ready to let go into deep sleep, known as parasympathetic dominance and delta and theta brain wave dominance.
Of course, normally you wouldn’t need to know this in order to sleep. Deep natural sleep is one of the most instinctive things we do next to breathing. But if you’ve read this far it’s because you’re not sleeping as well as you’d like to. And there is a reason.
What happens to disturb your natural sleep rhythms?
Why can't you just fall asleep…and stay asleep?
When the conscious mind is busy with plans, excessive to-do lists, financial and scheduling worries, anxiety, fears, anger, emotional conflicts, etc., it has a hard time letting go. This clinging to thought and worry or stress is also felt in the body; it's not just in the mind. Some people hear music in their head, repeat endless statements with their inner voice or just worry so much about not being able to sleep that they indeed cannot sleep.
If you have insomnia, you know the challenge. You start worrying early in the day about whether or not you are actually going to be able to sleep that night. Once you miss a night of sleep, you worry even more about not sleeping the next night, and this PERPETUATES the problem.
Ironically, worrying about sleeplessness is one of the causes of your insomnia.
Before you had trouble sleeping, you became tired and your body automatically began the natural process of relaxing for deep rest, sleep and recuperation. If you have insomnia, it can be cured, but you may need to be de-hypnotized from your daytime activities and concerns before deep and natural sleep returns.
Perhaps you've been sleepless for many nights or have become addicted to sleeping medication. Please be aware that even the synthetic sleep aids that claim to be non-habit forming can become psychologically addictive. Meaning that, since thoughts and emotions have a physiological basis, your expectation to sleep is a powerful constituent of the natural sleep process.
Among other causes, this point should be perfectly clear: if you do not expect to sleep, you probably won’t.
In order to go to sleep deeply and naturally, you simply relax, which may be difficult to do right now and seem not so simple.
With hypnosis and self-hypnosis, you can de-hypnotize yourself from the compelling draw, the trance, of your day-to-day life.
You can retrain your brain to easily move from alpha, then theta, then delta states, and use special post-hypnotic triggers to eliminate worry and anxiety to stay asleep once you fall asleep.
Other aspects of my Good Night to Insomnia program ensure you will get deep restful sleep for the rest of your life.
Hypnosis is very effective in curing chronic insomnia. It's easy and it works. It is far better for you than sleeping pills. The interesting thing about sleeping pills is the proven strong influence of the placebo effect.
This means that when if you believe are taking a sleeping pill, but it is really a sugar pill (placebo, or sham drug), you are more likely to fall asleep than someone who doesn’t. Sometimes just vividly and sensorially imagining taking a sleeping pill can help. Even though the conscious mind knows that it's not real, the powerful subconscious mind cannot distinguish between something real and imagined.
This by-pass of the conscious mind is the expertise of the Master Hypnotist, who can also teach you how to do this for yourself through self-hypnosis.
This is one of the reasons why hypnosis works so well. Hypnosis works at the level of the subconscious mind. It creates the accepted condition that something is possible, acts on it as if it is real, and creates a new outcome. In this case, sleep.
In my Good Night to Insomnia program, we will:
> first unravel the conditions that gave rise to your insomnia
> then use powerful hypnotic sessions to reverse the neurological and physiological underpinnings of the sleeplessness
> then I will teach you self-hypnosis to ensure this will remain a permanent transformation in your life.
If you’re tired of difficulty falling asleep, sleeping fitfully or waking up in the middle of the night – or even bothered about snoring – you owe it to yourself to get back to the most natural thing in your life next to breathing: sleep!
For more information on the power of your subconscious mind to foster deep and natural sleep, please see how your mindbody works and call for your free phone consultation.
Call (925) 215-4017 for your FREE confidential phone consultation.
Get ready to say good night to insomnia.
Remember Why Clinical Hypnosis Works
You may want to read Stressed to Excess if you're not convinced that stress is playing a pivotal role in your inability to sleep.
I so appreciate finding you and embarking on a journey to find myself again. I've realized that I was not only exhausted from lack of fulfilling sleep, but also from a loss in confidence.
Learning how to deeply relax and reframe how I approach sleep has been transformative. have been free of sleep-aids since I completed my sessions with you. During Thanksgiving week, I got more natural sleep than I recall in years.
Some interesting outcomes - my nails are now healthier ( they were splitting and breaking), I no longer bruise as easily as before this journey, and I feel as if I have returned to my best self. I have regained my self-confidence, am showing up more fully at work and contributing in ways more characteristic of who I am. The fear and self-doubt have subsided.
Thank you for all that you do.
You are a life-saver!
-H. Crothers
* results may vary
Please Read: Testimonials are the experience of the client in the testimonial. Individual results vary and depend on many variables such as the client’s personal health and history, attitude, desire, follow-through, confounding conditions, etc. The contents of this site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained are for informational purposes only. This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.
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