Depression and anxiety are very common mental disorders. They can be caused by a number of different factors, such as chemical imbalance, stress or trauma history, or genetics. Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness and apathy. Anxiety is a feeling of fear and insecurity. Those who suffer from depression or anxiety have trouble focusing on activities that were once enjoyable to them, may lose interest in food, and may also experience difficulty sleeping, which exacerbates the situation.
It is estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety, and as many as one in six Americans experience symptoms of depression each year.
People with depression often experience periods when they exhibit increased levels of physical activity or agitation, or periods when they feel slowed down. It has been suggested that these changes in behavior may be attributed to changes in the function of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, or glutamate receptors in the brain; these neurotransmitters are involved in mood regulation and emotional responses.
What is the Role of Hypnosis in Treating Depression?
Hypnosis was introduced to the public in the 1800s by Franz Mesmer, a Viennese physician. The popularity of Clinical Hypnosis as a potential treatment for depression has been growing ever since.
There are many different ways that hypnosis can be used to treat depression and anxiety. Thousands of people have used it to combat depression and anxiety. Clinical studies have shown that using hypnosis correctly can help people with depression overcome their problems more quickly, in less time, and with fewer side effects than other treatments, including pharmacology which may or may not be needed at all.
Using Clinical Hypnosis specifically for these issues has been found to alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety by relaxing the patient through calming words spoken at a slow pace while inducing deep relaxation through breathing exercises. The client also experiences a mental state where they are aware of their environment but are more responsive to suggestions from the Clinical Hypnotist. It also works by altering the client’s state of awareness so they can consciously experience their thoughts without judgment which then allows them to let go of negative thoughts so they can heal and move forward.
Why Hypnosis Works for Treating Depression
There are many different ways to treat depression, but Hypnosis has been found to be the most promising in many cases. According to a study from the Stanford School of Medicine, in just four sessions the technique was found to be three times more effective than antidepressants or cognitive behavioral therapy.
Hypnosis is based on many principles, but at the top of the list is that the mind and body are connected. We barely understand the capabilities of our minds and what we are able to manifest with our minds. That being said, we do know that we can change not only the way we think but the way we physically feel by relieving the mind of unwanted habits, behaviors, and also by helping the body's neurotransmitters function better. It is one machine, the mind + body.
The ability to manifest what we want is a skill that you can learn with the help of a very skilled Clinical Hypnotist. We can help you physically manifest your desires. The wisdom of knowing what your desires are, what you truly want in life, and channeling that energy into your world's reality.
I have been a Clinical Hypnotist since 1990, Certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. I also have studied in detail how the brain and immune system work together. This is called Psychoneuroimmunology and has been used to explore treatments for psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. It is also used to help clients manage their emotional response to their medical condition.
What’s the next step?
Rather than simply mask the symptoms of depression and/or anxiety with pharmaceuticals, and deal with the many adverse side effects of medications, please call to discuss how Clinical Hypnosis may be a better option. As a Certified Hypnotist, I specialize in helping people with these specific symptoms, as well as many other conditions.
Call us anytime at 925-215-4017 for a Free Phone Consultation.